
Your destination or attraction is already on the map. Gaslight just makes you easier to find. Consider us your GPS to effective travel marketing and PR. Smaller travel destinations and companies get fed boilerplate PR and marketing programs by bigger agencies looking to move up to larger DMOs, CVBs and online travel companies. Instead, we take your amazing story and use the right channels and amazing creative to tell it to your future visitors, partners and community. With deep expertise in hotels and hospitality, along with years of experience building brands for online travel companies like Hostelworld, the Gaslight team is here to drop a pin on your destination.

Whether you need to refresh a tired brand to better compete in a competitive market, initiate a cost-effective, targeted digital marketing campaign to reach potential visitors, or leverage your strengths through strategic PR efforts, our team is ready to assess your current needs and work with you to determine which actions are required to achieve success.